baleen - 2011-09-05
No douche tag?
FreeOJ - 2011-09-05 Just to clarify too this video only shows him touching 1000 pairs of breasts not 2000 like the title stated
BorrowedSolution - 2011-09-05
1000 pairs. 2000 breasts. And it seemed like a solid 50% of those breasts were fairly underaged. Umm. Go Russia?
baleen - 2011-09-05 The soviet will guide women to a new promise of equality.
poorwill - 2011-09-05 Fixed. I only made it a couple of minutes in, so I was taking the final count on the word of someone else. Your concerns about the age of the grope recipients is noted, but you should also note that Russian women end to age quickly and badly, so it's forgiveable.
BorrowedSolution - 2011-09-05 Duly noted. I like the title changes, but I still stand by my 2 stars because all in all it's pretty boring.
poorwill - 2011-09-05 I wish I could say the reason I stopped after two minutes was because of boredom :(
dek863 - 2011-09-05
With about 500 different expressions.
Toenails - 2011-09-05
The touching of suspiciously underdeveloped breasts is pretty damn gross.
kingofthenothing - 2011-09-05 oh c'mon, only like 5 or 6 of them looked really "12", the rest were just short and skinny people, which we don't have any of in the U.S.
kwash - 2011-09-05
It really makes me wonder what the hell he said to these women beforehand. Some of them seem very okay with it, but some of them seem offended, and a few even slap him.
Hooker - 2011-09-06 Also, that was a non-thinking five stars. A 20 minute video of some guy lightly touching women's breasts is terribly boring.
The Mothership - 2011-09-05
this is just plain strange.
Riskbreaker - 2011-09-05
In soviet russia.....well, stuff happens, very strange things for sure.
kingofthenothing - 2011-09-05
He's touched more boob than I ever will. I must find him and eat his heart.
dowstroyer666 - 2011-09-06
Some tasty boobage
chumbucket - 2011-09-06
Russia is pretty awesome
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