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Desc:was on a bus tour and i was like omg!! a hot JAPANESE GUY! i love anime and manga so i freaking out!
Category:Crime, Humor
Tags:playstation 2, stalking, probably fat, dark secret
Submitted:Jet Bin Fever
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Comment count is 13
uekibachi - 2011-08-12

to be fair, i'd suck his dick

EvilHomer - 2011-08-12

That's a woman.

Riskbreaker - 2011-08-12

So, that's the dark secret?

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-08-12

The "dark secret" is from her description, but ahh possibly?

Riskbreaker - 2011-08-12

Ok, i just read it, derp. Well, that's pretty damn dark i guess....

charmlessman - 2011-08-12

Yeah, but you'd suck MY dick too.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-08-12

The one good thing about cigarettes is how they shield you from interactions with the incurably inflexible.

Macho Nacho - 2011-08-12

He's probably not even Japanese.

Hugo Gorilla - 2011-08-12

The sugar coating on a fan girl's brain is a double-edge sword. Serving as a sealant to prevent the world's displeasures and uncomfortable realities from entering into her consciousness, it also seeps into the grey matter rotting an otherwise healthy brain She remains, mentally, a perpetual thirteen year old as a result.

Sudan no1 - 2011-08-13

to be fair, that also applies to fanboys..

TheSupafly - 2011-08-12

I think she meant "I like anime and manga so I freaking out" in the sense that she is a nerd, and he is not, therefore he is way out of her league. I don't mean this as a joke, she clearly doesn't speak english, so she might have had a hard time describing why sitting next to such a hot guy was such a big deal to her.

Simillion - 2011-08-13

your sympathy has thoroughly ruined this for me

luckily it wasn't very interesting to begin with

Syd Midnight - 2011-08-15

was on a bus tour and i was like omg!! a hot AMERICAN GIRL! i love MTV and Walt Disney so i freaking out!

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