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Comment count is 8
Oscar Wildcat - 2011-06-04

I like the cut of this man's jib.

Tom Collins - 2011-06-04

Lahey doesn't realise that without his hatred of Ricky his life has no meaning.

duck&cover - 2011-06-04

This guy could write a thesaurus on shit.

Triggerbaby - 2011-06-04

Funny you should mention that, seeing as he did:


wtf japan - 2011-06-04

If I could watch new episodes of TPB for all eternity in heaven, I would do whatever it takes to get there.

memedumpster - 2011-06-04

If the reruns were shown in hell, you could gay bash me and we'd both win.

wtf japan - 2011-06-04

They're all on Netflix. Why buy the cow, nohmsayn?

StanleyPain - 2011-06-05

As well as the two movies and the holiday special. THANK YOU NETFLIX.

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