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Desc:A beautiful and haunting animated short about tribal life on an alien world.
Category:Classic Movies, Short Films
Tags:Skywhales, Phil Austin, Derek Hayes, Robert Llewellen, Better than Avatar
Submitted:Binro the Heretic
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Comment count is 8
Pillager - 2011-05-06

Eons ago, I saw this in a theater.

It was the first time I'd seen animation better than Voltron or Merry Melodies.

Jimmy Labatt - 2011-05-06

Five for Pillager and Merry Melodies.

CuteLucca - 2011-05-06

Definitely better than Avatar.

erratic - 2011-05-06

This is what takabagabobos actually believe!

Binro the Heretic - 2011-05-06

I saw this early one morning back in the late 1980s as I was getting ready for school. I turned on the TV and this just happened to be playing. I think it may have been on HBO. They used to show short films as time-fillers in between movies...back when they used to show movies.

The thing is, though, I came in somewhere in the middle. When I started watching, the horse-faced guys had just launched their boats and started the skywhale hunt.

This is much more enchanting and less nightmare-inducing when you see it from the beginning.

Binro the Heretic - 2011-05-06

Also, your challenge is to make "Better than Avatar" an active link.

Yes, I know lots of things are better than "Avatar" but try to find stuff about alien planets that is better than "Avatar".

thebaronsdoctor - 2011-05-06

All the wonder and world-building of Avatar, none of the horrible writing

MrBuddy - 2011-05-07

Kind of like a combination of Snorks and Heavy Metal.

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