FABIO - 2011-05-07
Someone better not lie to these kids about any cake.
moral sex - 2011-05-07
hai guys protal is gr8 gaem
lol caek is lie
Jeriko-1 - 2011-05-07
Fuck you, this is great.
Caminante Nocturno - 2011-05-07
I remember the Companion Cube from this game.
jyrque - 2011-05-07
endlesschris - 2011-05-07
So goddamn lame. It was a fun game people, get over it.
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-05-07 Just like Zelda, Mario, Pac-Man, Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto, and all the other games that Portal has yet to come close to saturating the internet to the same extent.
And it's a kids' choir that sang this to raise money so they could keep giving concerts and pay for expenses that their 0 budget from the PTA doesn't cover. If you see the word "Portal" on something and it bugs you so much, don't click it.
Meatsack Jones - 2011-05-07
Great, let loose the "if it is popular, and I don't like it, I am cool" contingent.
It was fun and cool...never, get over it.
spikestoyiu - 2011-05-07 Because there's no possible chance that it has simply worn out its welcome.
endlesschris - 2011-05-07 So... I interviewed Eric Wolpaw, the writer of Portal 2, and there's a reason they aren't beating the "Cake is a Lie" thing to death anymore. They're goddamn of the memes.
Things are fun for awhile... after that, wow, another Still Alive rendition... awesome...
DrDoalot - 2011-05-07
5 for the portal hate, it's actually more entertaining than the game.
memedumpster - 2011-05-07
Little kids singing about the death of a weapon test AI is a very modern thing, a gloriously modern thing.
Now excuse me while I go write Quadrotor the Musical.
seriouslyuguys - 2011-05-08
Haters gonna hate.
Jet Bin Fever - 2011-05-08
This is pretty great for a kids choir. You 1 star people need to lighten up. If this was done exactly the same with a less "I'm too cool to appreciate this" song, you A-holes would've eaten it up with a spoon.
Rudy - 2011-05-09
This is a cute thing that angers nerds for some reason.
fluffy - 2013-02-23
I'm tired of this game and this song and all of the facile references that still occur on a non-stop basis with any sufficiently large quantity of cargo-cult humor-spouting nerds but this was exceptionally well-done.
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