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Desc:Austro-Jersey-Footballhelmet is literally the best way to describe his accent.
Category:Business, News & Politics
Tags:Libertarians, bitcoins, strange accents
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Comment count is 5
Toenails - 2011-03-23

Okay... I'm not going to do much research before commenting on this, because it's fucking wacky. Here's what I think it's about right now:

New Age Mercantilism, where people that complain about the Government making money out of thin air, decide that they will make their own type of money out of thin air. But since there's a limited supply of these "coins", and no way to regulate their value, nobody in their right mind will ever accept this as a legitimate currency.

Thus these Libertarian Xbox Points will eventually trade at 10,000 to 1 against the Slimeball from Minecraft.

P.S. Is this related to "Bitpoint Mining"? Because there are a couple videos on youtube of people showing off their stupidly over-clocked computers in hopes of... I'm actually not sure what they're hoping to accomplish. GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL!!!!


poorwill - 2011-03-23

This is just a terrible idea. It's just as pointlessly arbitrary and abstract as central bank inflation only it's not flexible. Austrian school libertarians are the worst.
I am sore this made the front page and not my sweet-ass Silvio Gessel/Freigeld video. That is a currency that would actually work, and there are some total kooks advocating it.

Lurchi - 2011-03-24

Being obsessed with money is a guaranteed signifier of insanity.

StanleyPain - 2011-03-24

We should go onto the Diablo 2 standard and trade everything in Stones of Jordan.

Menudo con queso - 2011-06-15

No government can riggalate bitcoins!

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