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Comment count is 14
duck&cover - 2011-02-13

Youuu flaaaaming IDIOTS!

tenten - 2011-02-14

Was that Grant Imahara?

Squeamish - 2011-02-13

A dyke?



Squeamish - 2011-02-14

Forgot to rate it.


oddeye - 2011-02-13

I love this game.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-02-14

Forgive me. I must repay. My debts.

PlushJake - 2011-02-14

The book conveys the emotional spots through poetry. This game does it through making the characters crap their pants repeatably.

TeenerTot - 2011-02-14

Same source material for John Woo's Red Cliff?

VoilaIntruder - 2011-02-14

I like that most of the lines are read with a question mark...?

Anaxagoras - 2011-02-14

To be continued?

CharlesSmith - 2011-02-14

That's a Canadian shtick. I detect the stench of Ocean Group, but don't care enough to verify.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2011-02-14

I, too, pursue Lu Bu.

Chalkdust - 2011-02-17

it's missing a few I vividly recall... but really it should be the entire damn game

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-02-18

Even though I played the shit out of this, it is my first time hearing these. I changed it to Japanese right away. It's a shame they took that option out later in the series.

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