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Youuu flaaaaming IDIOTS!
Was that Grant Imahara?
A dyke? .... OH NO
Forgot to rate it. OH NO
I love this game.
Forgive me. I must repay. My debts.
The book conveys the emotional spots through poetry. This game does it through making the characters crap their pants repeatably.
Same source material for John Woo's Red Cliff?
I like that most of the lines are read with a question mark...?
To be continued?
That's a Canadian shtick. I detect the stench of Ocean Group, but don't care enough to verify.
I, too, pursue Lu Bu.
it's missing a few I vividly recall... but really it should be the entire damn game
Even though I played the shit out of this, it is my first time hearing these. I changed it to Japanese right away. It's a shame they took that option out later in the series.