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Comment count is 8
Lurchi - 2011-02-03

WCW was laaaaame.

Cena_mark - 2011-02-03

I loved WCW back in the day. This was when it was getting lame. But I remember being pretty damn sad when it went under.

spikestoyiu - 2011-02-03

As if WCW weren't bad enough, this was from THUNDER.

twinkieafternoon - 2011-02-03

Early 90's WCW (Vader era) was pretty tight.

Cena_mark - 2011-02-03

This almost ended his career. Shows how dangerous wrestling is.

Lurchi - 2011-02-03

Didn't he end Bret Hart's career with his clumsiness?

twinkieafternoon - 2011-02-03

Wrestling Beardo Interesting story: According to Goldberg (Bischoff in his terrible book confirmed, and Alvarez and Reynolds in their terrific book confirmed), Bill was given, for all the glass he was to break in this particular scene, a small black lead pipe to swing at the windows that he was supposed to hold in a way that obstructed people's ability to see it, and look like he the windows were being punched.

He's supposed to break the glass with that, but after the first window, he accidentally dropped it. It's in the limo somewhere, which is entirely why at 0:13 he started to look for it. However, he can't see it right away and gave up when he feared it would take too long to recover. He just used brute strength to do the rest, so that the scene could continue, since Nitro was filmed live. He ended up severing a tendon and an artery badly.

As for Bret, he was the biblical Job of pro wrestling. A lot of things ended his career.

themilkshark - 2011-02-04

WCW was as unwatchable then as TNA is now.

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