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When your prom date's father is a liver-punching, heel-hooking sadist known as 'El Guapo', it's time to consider returning your powder-blue tuxedo.
You think the prom date's any safer? Being a Rutten, she's definitely got a few nasty tricks up her sleeve.
I think you mean liver-exploding.
And then they started a family band.
He's dutch and fairly liberal. Just don't date-rape his daughter and you'll be fine. Also he's released a couple of joke songs before like "El Guapo Likes to Dance". Go back to your TF2 servers, know-nothings!
I just saw Bas Rutten air-drumming to The Sweet.
I'm not sure i would tell Bass he's a bad singer. I want to keep my liver where it is.
If I ever meet him, I'm going to tell him, "I saw you singing SO BADLY in that video your daughter took!" And then I'll point in his face and laugh.
His laugh when he sees he's being recorded is infectious.
Best dude ever.
My love for him grows stronger.