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Comment count is 8
Meatsack Jones - 2006-11-13

-2 for implying Tears for Fears isn't fruity, -2 for the original not being that good.

yoyo1 - 2006-11-13

Giving 5 stars just to piss off the chettums.

Baby Finster - 2006-11-14

-1 for being such a boring video.

merzbau - 2006-11-14

Tears For Fears are hell of fruity, but if I hear the Gary Jules version once more I will KILL

mr666 - 2006-11-17

Sorry, but the Gary Jules version is way better

fluffy - 2009-04-29

Sorry, but you are completely wrong.

Spastic Avenger - 2007-12-06

The Gary Jules version goes in the same bin as the jose gonzales cover of 'Heartbeats'.
This is clearly fucking better.

Charles - 2009-12-07

Hey, Mr. Gonzales isn't bad... It's just that his style is completely different from The Knife in general.

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