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It's begging for the "wait for it..." tag
beg no more
Can I has sneaky kitty?
O O ^
My kingdom for a slide whistle.
And to think I almost didn't watch this one.
Whenever I see something rising very slowly, the only things I can think of the five-note sequences from Also Sprach Zarathustra. Bwaaaaa bwaaaaa bwaaaaa... DUN DUNNNNNN!
Inception Cat is better:
That was a pretty good soundtrack. But I disagree. This doesn't need any dramatic music to be perfect.
I guess Inception is the new Team Fortress 2? IE add it to everything and nerds will love it?
Those motherfucking nerds.
Kitty will not look at you until you've put some damn pants on.
Kilroy was here.
Up periscope. Down periscope.
cat-riise, cat-set
This video rivals "Pop!" and "Thanks, Arthur!" for best video on poetv.
This looks like it should be in a horror movie...but I can't stop laughing at it.
Cat uses his psychic powers to jostle the camera at the end.
I want this to be my desktop.
In Mother Russia, you!
This is how they caught Anna Chapman.
It looks like a cheap video editing effect.
How did I miss this one?