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OK, I get it.
Pootie Tang did this joke a lot better.
Why Zack? You're funny, so why did this happen?
This one hits a little too home for a lot of POEtards, I see.
Getting a little defensive about the videos we submit, eh?
it's fian
Technically, not making music makes him a better musician than most.
Username makes good description year continues
this isn't funny.
Good start, but they played it out a bit too much.
Celebrities Trying To Gain Word Of Mouth Through Youtube Part XII
I like that Zach's voice came out of the right speaker and Michael's came out of the right speaker even though they were on opposite sides. NOW THATS COMEDY. Still funnier than Michael and Michael Have Issues.
It's the Indie Rock Pete character from Diesel Sweeties. Sort of.