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Desc:An increasing number of pedophiles are being sexually harassed by men who are attracted to them.
Category:Educational, Humor
Tags:pedophiles, pedophilophiles, University of Leiden
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Comment count is 10
Johnny Madhouse - 2010-08-11


kingofthenothing - 2010-08-11

Guy in the preload image looks like he'd do okay if he put some blood on his face and said "I love you more than Jesus."

mouser - 2010-08-11

I believed it until the candy.

Cyberblah - 2010-08-11

Well, by describing it they have caused it to now exist somewhere as a real fetish.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-08-11

I happen to be attracted to people who film pedophilophiles.

wtf japan - 2010-08-11

In my experience, the Dutch are the only Teutonic people who have a highly developed sense of humor. I do not know why this is. Perhaps it has something to do with commerce.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-08-11

The Dutch are such a mish-mash of people coming and going that they're definitely not Teutonic. They're Spanish, French, Belgian, English and German, and they speak a language that is basically English if retards had invented it.

I love the Dutch.

wtf japan - 2010-08-11

Me too. They let me stumble around their fine cities in an intoxicated haze and entertained me with their aquatic tolerance festivals. They also seemed to be relatively friendly and accepting towards their Islamic communities. No complaints here.

fluffy - 2010-08-12

Also legal pot

ProfessorChaos - 2010-08-12

I want to penalize the video for white subtitles on bright backgrounds... but "pedophilephile" has such a nice ring to it in dutch...

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