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Comment count is 4
Robin Kestrel - 2010-06-27

I was watching this in full screen HD, grooving, when I suddenly because very paranoid that a Linda Blair Exorcist scream thingie was going to happen so I had to look away but then it didn't so five and fav.

Ursa_minor - 2010-06-27


fluffy - 2010-06-27

I think the best thing to come from the Mandelbulb is a rekindling of nerd interest in fractals in general, and a whole new world of discovery in folded-3-space methods. It seems like it's one of those leaps that requires casting off the established notions of a field in order to move forward in a different direction.

memedumpster - 2010-06-27

One day, our superior descendants will think in perfect math... unless we all band together now to stop their think-tyranny!

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