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Comment count is 16
Jet Bin Fever - 2010-06-10

I love progressive rock.

Nikon - 2010-06-10

That was pretty neat.

jreid - 2010-06-10

This deserves six stars.

jreid - 2010-06-10

Forgot to add this to my favorites.

kwash - 2010-06-10

I watched this once for the video, then four more times for the song.

Robin Kestrel - 2010-06-10

I am digging the song as well. Muchly.

happy_ending - 2010-06-12

It reminds me of slint. Thanks, kthor for finding this!

snothouse - 2010-06-10

So good.

K. Brass - 2010-06-10

It's Brendle Fly.

chumbucket - 2010-06-10

proof that someone learned something useful in the 80's

StanleyPain - 2010-06-10

Deluxe Paint was the shit.

balistic - 2010-06-10

ProMotion is a really decent Windows-based successor to the DPaint throne.


Udderdude - 2010-06-10

The lost art of pallete animation.

Hooper_X - 2010-06-10


Shoebox Joe - 2010-06-17

Awesome and made me download pro motion to attempt to make an animation.

I dropped it after day 1.

Squeamish - 2011-12-06

Damn. I don't even want to think about how long this must've took.

Ten stars.

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