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Desc:TFLer throws a fit in a Florida parking lot. He shall tear the world apart with his anger!
Category:Horror, Humor
Tags:moron, true forced loneliness, TFL, BigBossCAL83, camera strangler
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Comment count is 13
K. Brass - 2010-06-01

Why do these damaged people pick user names that sound like robots from Asimov short stories and insist on repeating it in full?

Riskbreaker - 2010-06-01

Sometimes i wish the TFL guys got a documentary, but that would probably give them fuel for the ego, and fuel to keep playing victims and thinking their movement is real.

BorrowedSolution - 2010-06-01

He's right, you know. Pwning doesn't change anything.

Pillager - 2010-06-01

Someday, there will be enough TFL'ers to hold a thousandish sociopath march.

dek863 - 2010-06-01

I think camera strangler should be an active tag.

chumbucket - 2010-06-01

that was the worst date ever

BHWW - 2010-06-01

"Oh by the round-ness of my head
I'll see Youtube dead"

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-06-01

The related videos on his page all show "I'M DONE WITH YOUTUBE" by other disgruntled users. Stick it to the man, people.

kanyakumari - 2010-06-01

Minute one: "I'm done with youtube."

Why are there nine more minutes? :(

nemeses9 - 2010-06-01

Who the fuck is going to sit through eleven minutes of this shit?

Lindner - 2010-06-02

I did... and I'm so ashamed.

kennydra - 2010-06-01

just out of curiosity:

google search for "i'm leaving youtube" : 105,000 resuts

Nikon - 2010-06-02

How many free video hosting sites are out there? Just upload your lameass clip to one of the others.

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