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Between this and the Metropolis restoration I fucking love Kino right now.
oh shit yeah. this and the troll 2 documentary are on my absolutely must see list.
I can relate to this gentleman on so many dimensions.
My distaste for memes as a substitute for culture is overwhelmed by the crotchetiness of this man.
I. Must. See. This.
get out of here you fuckin flies
this video is on poetv, somewhere. it should be linked. in the end, its too feel-good... but it is interesting that a movie is being made about a popular youtube video... what a fickle generation.
Gotta do it again, right now -
i think that was one of the first videos i was shown on youtube. makes me tear up alittle
The best documentary makers are the invisible ones.
Pretty simplistic view of things. I guess you're discounting Werner Herzog entirely as well as Louis Theroux and Jon Ronson. Need I go on?
You're comparing these fucks to Herzog?
I can relate to the struggles of the Winnebago Man. His aspirations, his disappointments, his what I don't I can't even fucking read what's in front of me shit.
From the makers of Grizzly Man, comes "Grizzled Man!"