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Desc:The herbs and spices of their chicken is more addictive then Colonal Sanders 13 herbs and spices.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Crime
Tags:Crystal Meth, Breaking Bad, los pollos hermanos, finger licking good
Submitted:Louis Armstrong
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Comment count is 15
WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2010-05-21

No matter your thoughts on the show, the falling chicken/crystal meth transition is worth a handful of stars.

And yes, the meth is supposed to be blue. It's explained in the show.

apiaryist - 2010-05-21


Camonk - 2010-05-21

Listen, I'm not impartial. I love this show. I won't apologize for that. Five stars.

I don't care if it makes no sense if you've never seen Breaking Bad. You're an asshole, if that's the case. A stupid asshole. But this place introduced me to Breaking Bad. So it can do the same for you.

And if you've seen it but don't like it, then you deserve to die.

kennydra - 2010-05-21

all of this that camonk said

MaulLove - 2010-05-21

I don't have cable and I rent it/drag my ass over to my dad's for new episodes. It is well worth it.

oddeye - 2010-05-21

I hate this show

ztc - 2010-05-21

You don't really. You're just being ornery, like the Tea Party with their oil slick.

TheJollyDodger - 2010-05-21

And it hates you, Scotty.

We all know the refined tastes of the kilt wearing, caber tossing cheapskates. If a Scot cannot make money off of it, of course he is not going to like it.

Now beam your self over to some haggis and go blow some pipers while you are at it.

myassisonfire - 2010-05-21


oddeye - 2010-05-21

I'm not Scottish.

kingofthenothing - 2010-05-21

I missed the first two seasons and a few in Season 3 so far. I tried my damndest not to get sucked in. I gave it my best shot.

Koda Maja - 2010-05-21

I don't think it's possible for someone to watch two consecutive episodes of the show and not want to watch every episode.

teenage mutant lisa turtle - 2010-05-21

Oh god, season 2. But someone should post the mariachi song, at the risk of spoilers.

Camonk - 2010-05-21

I think it's actually already here.

Comeuppance - 2010-05-21



I haven't seen any of season 3 yet. I can only assume it's fantastic.

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