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Comment count is 12
simon666 - 2010-05-09

Fuck fail whales

Adham Nu'man - 2010-05-09

He gave it a fail whale because he didn't make it big by being a face for a conservative network and having to suck up to corporate suits every day of the rest of his life.

I give him a pass for exactly the same reasons.

Goodbye, and thanks for all your "fish" you Fox asshole.

poetry publishing guide - 2010-05-09

Nice to see that there's a place at Fox News for dudes with the winning on-air personality of a condescending frat boy.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-05-09

Hopefully the whale was just some reverse psychology to get people to buy more music.

ItsAboutTime - 2010-05-09

Fuck fox, RJ knows what counts in life.

winter_mute - 2010-05-09

Nobody is ever going to remember those Fox News assholes and Jenkees has produced some great music and still has plenty of time left in life to keep doing what he loves. Contributing great jams to society > contributing douchebaggery

phalsebob - 2010-05-09

You have not made enough money YOU FAIL SIR!

Comeuppance - 2010-05-10

He totally almost said "un-fucking-believable."

I assume this segment was about market viability or something like that, so, given that context, they weren't being too harsh or negative - but, really, fuck them for using "fail" in any relation to TARJ.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-05-10

I like how this show simulates asshole wall street people (with the customary Fox token attractive female) drinking their shame away and judging the worth of things they will never truly understand. It's so realistic.

I love you Jenkees.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-05-10

I'm pretty sure Fox News made this show because they realized that everybody watching fox between 1pm and 5pm is at a dentist's office.

memedumpster - 2010-05-10

Why Fox News? Couldn't he find some credible whores somewhere? Did he even try Market St.?

fluffy - 2010-11-13

"So you think you're an on-truh-prih-nurrrrr"

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