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Well that was refreshing!
Uh... er.... (11 year old girl huh?) well... um... if you keep working you may eventually get to go to animation school and become an animator! (Geeze, why couldn't it have been a middle-aged man?!)
Oh come on that was ok for an 11 year old.
*sigh* Actually it's pretty fucking good for an 11 year old. Oh well.
Why does he have gills on his face?
Vorlon modification?
just wait till the hormones kick in and she starts making slash
By then she should be pretty awesome at this, so it could be the best thing ever.
Fucking hell, give the girl some grant money and send her to ILM.
Looks better than Deadly Premonition.
Somehow I doubt the 11 year old girl part. If it is true, however, this is far from bad.
Huge Face!
This is actually considerably better than most fan fiction Especially because those two are actually fighting and not turning into cat hermaphrodites and fucking.