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Apparently the most recent submission was a dupe, but even on the original submission people were hoping it was this one. Enjoy!
5 stars for pathetic attempt at a high-five.
I wish I could give this 5 more stars for the preload image.
You answered my dream to see this video! Thank you!
I suddenly have flashbacks to Golden Grahams, 5:30 am, and Biker Mice From Mars.
i remeber this too. fuck.
So everybody else was anticipating this one too.
I want to say "All Time" on this one. Hell, I want to write Cliff Notes on this one.
This was actually a really fun toy, although I had to make my own out of a beach ball as a kid. :(
And here i thought this was about the japanese horror punk band. Boy was i wrong.
Weird, I thought it was about the 19th century French novelist.
I'm not sure if I duped the other one or not (How do I check submission date??????), but 5 stars for this.
Wikkidy BEWWWP
If you hit your Balzac too much it may become swollen and sore