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Comment count is 14
fluffy - 2010-04-24

white leaders of the free world talk like Doo Doo Doo

and black leaders of the free world talk like Eh Eh Eh

split tail - 2010-04-24

James Woods - 2010-04-24

takewithfood - 2010-04-25


pineapplejuicer - 2010-04-24

oh the semiotic deliciousness

Ageusiatic - 2010-04-24

I quite like the way that we've instantly gone from the most hated of presidents, always snubbing people, trying to give unwanted massages to the Chancellor of Germany, and generally being the bad face of America on tour, straight to us having the most charismatic leader around, changing public opinion so quickly.

The British are the impolite ones? BIZARRO WORLD!

Camonk - 2010-04-24

Obama's all casual about it, too, like just all, Hey man thanks for standin' by that door good work

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-04-25

He should've high-fived the guy.

Colonel Cowlung - 2010-04-25

The cop was black according to my recollection. It's clearly a demonstration of African solidarity.

http://www.bagnewsnotes.com/2009/04/handily-erasing-george-bus h

Proof that Barack Hussein Obama is a Kenyan.

Comatose2 - 2010-04-25

You could clearly see that Obama was almost going to give him a terrorist fist jab, but then thought better of it and just went with a handshake.

Space Helicopter - 2010-04-25


Desidiosus - 2010-04-25

Gordon's just not a people person.

Spastic Avenger - 2010-04-25

The sooner we get this broken cyborg out of office the better.

oddeye - 2010-04-25

Unfortunately I think he will get another 4 years.

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