Lauritz Melchior - 2010-04-13
Let's not have too many of these.
Five stars, still. This time for a very different reason. I absolutely loved the visual. It seemed a dew-kissed spider web being spun through warp and woof.
HarrietTubmanPI - 2010-04-13 I can't agree with the association of music to moods/visuals all the time. While some music was composed programatically or with a particular mood in mind (Schumann's Carnival is a shining example), many pieces outside of the Romantic period were not written for a particular mood or scenery. I think we do a disservice by trying to make the mood and music inseparable when clearly they are often independent of each other.
Lauritz Melchior - 2010-04-13 I agree, completely, I think. Attempts to visualize or otherwise convey some aspect of a musical work DOES do a disservice to the work itself, and to music as a whole.
However, I think that such portrayals or interpretations are perfectly legitimate and if they can stand on their own merits (I think that Fantasia would be one such example), then great for them!
Regarding this particular video, I wasn't commenting on the audio-visual relationship. I honestly found the visual fascinating on its own, and that is what I was describing, not Debussy's Arabesque.
This might not make much sense. I'm at that point at night where I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open, but still insist on staying awake.
SecretJunk - 2010-04-13 I still find D minor to be the saddest of all keys, really.
HarrietTubmanPI - 2010-04-13
Five for Debussy.
I never thought these 'art' things were particularly useful. The actual notation shows you these sorts of things in a diatonic sense anyway and when you learn to read music well enough you already do these sorts of visualizations in your head.
I think what would be more useful is some sort of visualization along the actual analysis of the piece in terms of overall form, modulation, chord changes, cadences, transitions, etc. Those are the things that music students have trouble hearing because they haven't trained themselves to hear it.
Syd Midnight - 2010-04-14 I don't think its biggest impact is on music students, I think its on laypersons who can't read music, who are able to visualize the beauty of this music for the first time, and appreciate more than the present moment.
I can see how some of these classical pieces are mathematically beautiful without having to take years of theory and learning to read classical scores.
Also I think this is something Mr. Rogers would have liked. He used to paint classical music on his show sometimes.
chumbucket - 2010-04-13
I figured we'd get an encore with a histogram, but that was not to be
memedumpster - 2010-04-13
-5 stars because Gary Busey isn't playing this at all.
+5 for the music.
Lurchi - 2010-04-13
Star Hustler!
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