After conclusive research, feline scientists have come to the conclusion that standing on just two legs has little to nothing to contribute to catkind.
I had a cat that went by the name "Ramona" who would do shit like this. LJ ahead!
She would get yelled at for jumping onto the kitchen counters. As a form of protest she found a work around. She would pull the drawers in the kitchen open one at a time to form steps. Thus not jumping. We had to get childproof latches.
At one point my gf and I moved into an apartment building that wanted 900 some dollars as a flat fee to have a cat. One months rent. Rather than get rid of the cat, we just yelled at her whenever she went near the patio blinds or was even looking at the windows, which thankfully had vertical blinds.
The apartment was on the third floor facing a Mejier that was being constructed. Which resulted in a ton of noise. On one semi hot day, I decided to open a window. Mona being the insanely smart cat she was found another work around to not being allowed into the window. She moved from her cozy warm spot on top of my crt monitor over to a 3 foot high bookcase that was about 4 feet from said window. After a few minutes of kind of hopping up then falling over, she found her balance.
After that Ramona would stand on the bookcase and look out the window constantly. Far enough from the screen that it was impossible to see her.