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hell ya
what the shit?! The ending chant and the "you win!" in the bobby segment made me happy, but realizing it wasnt a 7 year old made me sad.
Bobby's gonna need a lot more paper for his his win total.
Bobby was awesome - gave the perfect response without breaking 'character'.
This is a fun thing.
This is awesome.
i do not care for mr. folds' music but this was delightful
Agreed. This should be the entire show.
I agree with, Chetroulette.
Ditto, I never cared for his music either, but this made me smile big time. I have a new found respect for this fellow...still wont listen to his "regular" stuff.
I enjoyed this thoroughly.
I was going to spoil the last joke but... seriously watch this to the end.
Made me laugh out loud. Needed that. Five stars.
loveee ben!
The fact that he did Free Bird for a guy from the internet holding a lighter makes me think that maybe Ben Folds isn't such a bad guy.
I think Chatroulette may be the best thing to happen to the Internet since the drafting of RFC 791.
What fun! I'm surprised he didn't get a bunch of penises, or maybe they just edited those out.
They mention the penises were edited out. But yay indeed, the original is better, but good on Ben Folds for bringing a wonderful tribute.
You don't have to like his music but you have to respect a musician who does shit like this. I do both.
If you turn your head sideways, I win and you have to get Sledge and Jessee back in the band.
Bobby's day: made
Having fun with the internet
Bobby is even cooler in real ilfe; he used to go to my school. HIs facebook page is filled with stuff about this incident.
Is Bobby still in NC? Because that would be an awesome coincidence. Everyone on Chatrt seems to be from Turkey.
Half-asian Bobby? The one who did that bit at McDonalds? Because that would be awesome.
Sittin' on tha toilet.
I approve.
good work humans
all of this guy's videos are the best
I wanna hear what he sings to the penises.
this kinda thing really makes me want to get famous for the sole purpose of making people's day on chatroulette
Man living in the 1800s must have been boring.