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Comment count is 37
APE_GOD - 2010-03-19


SecretJunk - 2010-03-19

Terrible terrible turtle harm

oogaBooga - 2010-03-19


mouser - 2010-03-19


zatojones - 2010-03-19


Innocent Bystander - 2010-03-19

OK, I am de idiot but what does Peter Serafinowicz have to do with this?

chairsforcheap - 2010-03-19

directing or some bs

happy_ending - 2010-03-19

Directing and helped to come up with the concept.

Or, you know "some BS".

Also, this was on 73q, people.

chairsforcheap - 2010-03-19

yeah come on guys it was on that essential music listening site that makes about as much sense as something awful having a fine-art section COME ON

Teased Vagina - 2010-03-20

That's true - I put it on 73q because it's technically the proper place for it, but this is definitely more of a PoeTV kind of video. Both sites are sort-of linked already (shared tags etc), but I wish they were properly integrated (ie do away with 73q and just have a separate 'submit a music video' option for PoeTV).

zerobackup - 2010-03-19

Ok this just seems boring....OH HEY LASERS

chairsforcheap - 2010-03-19

too bad they were only good before they had a major record deal

citrusmirakel - 2010-03-19

I only have the first two albums. Did they just get boring afterwards?

citrusmirakel - 2012-03-19

Hello, citrusmirakel circa 2010! I'm you two years in the future! And the answer to your question is a resounding yes.

Chizmurder - 2010-03-19

I was really debating on tossing this in the hopper. I'm glad it made it here.

longwinded - 2010-03-19

"octavian" and "popeye" are kinda giveaways but nonetheless

VoilaIntruder - 2010-03-19

Also, the band in the video not being Hot Chip.

sunflowr_eyes - 2010-03-19

Whaaa? Did the fat black guy become a band member too? I thought this was going to be a happy ending ...

Sean Robinson - 2010-03-19

This is such a dorky song.

Angel Carver - 2010-03-19

Yes. I'm gay and listen to all kinds of literally gay music written and performed by actually gay artists but this song is too gay even for my very gay ears.

Seems like they try to address the creepy-queer aspect of the vocals by having the singer come out as some unnerving Mr. Burns specter. Still, doesn't make me want to ever hear the song again.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-05-18

No. I'm not gay and listen to all kinds of music written and performed by artists whose sexual orientation I couldn't give two shits about and this song is too awesome even for my non gay ears.

I don't even know what you mean by "creepy-queer" vocals I just heard a very good singer singing over the song in an awesome, ethereal way. I never heard anything else by Hot Chip before and I listen to very little electronic music but I really want to hear this song again.

Freeman Gordon - 2010-03-19

Waited for it and became incredibly satisfied.

Adham Nu'man - 2010-03-19

Hey, I DO feel better.

Fatback Jack - 2010-03-19

2:30-- "I've come back to bring you the wisdom of the grave. Will you hear it? You see I escaped from the grave, and I have to give something to the grave in return."

chumbucket - 2010-03-19

HOT CHTP logo fail

Big Name Celebrity - 2010-03-19

Magic AIDS warrior foiled by evil negro demiurge is what I got out of this.

Is this racist or am I?

Chancho - 2010-03-19

This is awesome.

Konversekid - 2010-03-19

I hope I never understand.

Explodotron - 2010-03-19


citrusmirakel - 2010-03-19

But, why did the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Backstreet Boys try to outdance him. He burned the one with the laser. At that point, I wouldn't try to conquer him with my sweet dance moves.

anti-viral - 2010-03-19

the band showing up at 2:40 made this even more enjoyable

Robert DeNegro - 2010-03-19


boner - 2010-03-19

What is Hot Chip and didn't MySpace go out of business 5 years ago?

Robin Kestrel - 2010-03-19

That's Nick Cage in a bald-skin cap.

Harold Manchester - 2010-03-19

sometimes people make a thing that is 100% of something I want to see

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-04-30

I love how the decapitated head of Roland Martin still lip syncs little bits in between the carnage. What a fantastic achievement for mankind this is.

snothouse - 2013-05-18

Great everything.

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