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Desc:with existential insight on modern American economics
Category:Arts, Humor
Tags:indie, electric six, ohio, expendable band members, compulsive clapping
Submitted:Ludo Smell Bad
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Comment count is 20
Ursa_minor - 2010-03-13

I don't really listen to these guys because it's just silliness, but this is an excellent way to handle a heckler.

Ludo Smell Bad - 2010-03-13

you clearly miss the point of their music entirely. enjoy being so uptight and missing out on everything awesome.

azazel - 2010-03-13

It's a well established fact that popular music has never been, and never should be, silly in any way. Furthermore, silliness or even fun of any kind should be prohibited with extreme prejudice.

Ursa_minor - 2010-03-13

I'm a huge ween fan too. I know why their music is awesome - I just don't sit around listening to it. Sorry to inflame your opinions.

unknown rebel - 2010-03-14

He didn't really deal with him at all.

azazel - 2010-03-13

Hecklers aren't even real human beings

Umaro - 2010-03-13

I hate polo shirt guys.

citrusmirakel - 2010-03-13

What the hell dive were they playing in?

victorm - 2010-03-13

Grog Shop outside of Cleveland. There were assholes when I went there too.
"I drove too far to get kicked out of here for kicking your ass!"

ShiftlessRastus - 2010-03-13

"I don't care I still think you're a moron I don't like the way you conduct yourself and i'd like you to get away from me right now." is now my default comeback for an insult or threat.

paparatti - 2010-03-14

Who wears a polo shirt to a music show? The bigger crime here is one to fashion.

poorwill - 2010-03-14

The fauxhawk on top of it is the worst.

splatterbabble - 2010-03-14

Auto-Five for Electric Six.

Favorited for content.

Aggro Craig - 2010-03-14

An important message with a groovy beat

VoilaIntruder - 2010-03-14

The song they go back into is titled "Future is in the Future," which is pretty great.

badideasinaction - 2010-03-14

Having just seen them live last night 5 stars is obligatory. I just wished he'd done this to the guy who was screaming "DANCE COMMANDER!!!" while trying to muscle his way to the front the entire night.

ArchCynic1107 - 2010-03-14

There's a polo in every crowd, it seems.

ArchCynic1107 - 2010-03-14

...and what really stinks is I technically could have been at that particular Grog show. What a bummer.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-03-14

I wish I could have that amazing space vamp behind me when I called people out for shit.

Pacobird - 2010-07-06

I went to an Electric Six show instead of my ten year high school reunion, and at that show Dick Valentine assured me the U.N. would listen to my online petition to end oppression worldwide.

Basically what I'm saying is that Electric Six is pretty much the best live band in the world right now and if you don't agree you can probably be jailed.

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