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"I'll save you! WHEEEEE!"
How does he write women characters so well?
Wow. The most recent season of the Simpsons seems to be better than the last one I saw four or five years ago.
They could pretty much just fire their current writers and get this guy.
My seymour skinner could use that kind of attention.
Jeez, it's like an online Quake 2 CTF game.
Needs Fighter Maker tag.
Chapter 2: After his bizarre obsession with scrubbing people goes beyond his control, Apu absorbs Groundskeeper Willy into the collective.
Apu, you're breaking my heeeeeaaaaaart!
Oh my, the one where they accost Martin.
Umm... This got pulled because of a copyright claim by Fox. How's that even work, you're not allowed to show computer games anymore?