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Despite the fact that this scene has elements of everything that makes the movie great, without context I feel genuine sympathy for poor Johnny.
I wasn't planning to watch this movie, but now that I know there's a chicken dance in it...
Has anyone here even seen a chicken?
is there any reason to watch this movie? i thought it was just a LA thing.
Of course you would.
I think you should leave right now Mark.
did anyone ever try to teach this guy proper inflection? don't TAUCH me MOTHerFAWker i KILL you you BAsterd I fed AWP with this WOrld
Tommy Wiseau and Dimitri the Lover should team up.
It's like an old SNL skit.
Lisa looks so beautiful in that dress. Oh, hi Mark.
Oh, Hi Denny's
You're gonna fight over Lisa? Her?
She looks like Britney Spears dumpy, even stupider and less talented sister.
I think you mean she looks like Britney Spears' bloated corpse.
This is my favorite scene. Well, this and the suicidal freakout that follows.
This film cost million to make.
I'm surprised they didn't use that as a selling point for the film.
I still believe that this film was made as a student project by aliens studying the human race.
Or maybe it's a project made by humans to show aliens as a way of warning them not to mess with us because of our insane depravity.