TeenerTot - 2010-02-10
Woooo! Get me some glowsticks and pacifiers!
Nah, but...yeah, math is cool.
Redlof - 2010-02-10
My favorite part is 1.3199702871880059e-21, 0.2283277186469068e-23
James Woods - 2010-02-10
Totally worth the whole watch, unless you suffer from epilepsy.
pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-10
Spoiler: goes on forever. Also, vaguely self-similar
fluffy - 2010-02-10
At the end of this video the original image would have been zoomed into several billion times the size of the observable universe. Every little wisp of this fractal is due to minutely infinitesimal variations in the starting condition, leading to vastly different results. Math is cool.
Loses a star for zooming in on one of the less interesting parts of the fractal.
pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-10
So what do people use these days? I'm assuming it's not Fractinct anymore. And writing my own in QBasic is *right* out.
pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-10 Actually, now that I think of it, you can do some really cool things with Context Free. Anyone who is interested in computer art should check out that software. But I meant more like Mandlebrot & Julia fractals.
fluffy - 2010-02-11 My understanding is that this one was done all with custom code, probably using an arbitrary-precision C library, since there's no way even the most precise built-in floating point types would have been capable of zooming in to that degree.
In any case, there's a writeup about this particular video at http://forgetomori.com/2010/science/zooming-into-a-fractal-bigger- than-the-universe/ although it's sadly lacking in details.
pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-11 Ha. I was only joking about QB because I tried to do one in that when I was very young and got these weird egg-shaped things. I'm sure you could do it in whatever language though....and I know that FRACTINT used fixed point math for everything. I'm in CS classes right now so maybe I'll do one with with the Java graphics library at some point for a project.
oddeye - 2010-02-11
This really fucked up my vision after watching it.
memedumpster - 2010-02-11
Can't wait for the 3D mandelbrot to come of age and hit the 3D IMAX.
oogaBooga - 2010-02-11
MrBuddy - 2010-02-11
I almost submitted this video but thought no one would like it. Shows you how good my judgment is.
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