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Lurchi - 2010-02-04

If I had a James Cameron budget I'd make a fucking AWESOME Elric movie.

Pillager - 2010-02-05

Can we cast Christian Bale as Elric?

Syd Midnight - 2010-02-05

Lemmy's Story Time: Sometimes Michael Moorcock would come onstage and jam with the band. He didn't play an instrument, he wrote fantasy. He wrote Elric at the audience. Literally.

See he made a sling rig for a manual typewriter so he could wear it around his neck, and he'd dash madly around the stage writing at the audience.. type one paragraph of poetic fantasy then rip out the sheet of paper and throw it into the crowd, then put in another sheet of paper and bang out another paragraph and throw that one into the audience, etc.

That's about the coolest fucking hippie-nerd thing ever, Michael Moorcock doing a furious fantasy authoring solo onstage during a Hawkwind concert.

Syd Midnight - 2012-11-27

Years-later correction: It was Robert Calvert who did that, I musta got them mixed up because Calvert recited a lot of Moorcock onstage... like on Space Ritual... now I feel bad 'cause I just found out how awesome Calvert's solo stuff was.

Syd Midnight - 2010-02-05

That ain't no joke, you could disappear in smoke!

MongoMcMichael - 2010-02-05


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