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Comment count is 24
La Loco - 2010-01-24

Awesome! Now I don't have to go to break.com to see these kind of videos!

RocketBlender - 2010-01-24

Hey, La Loco.

phalsebob - 2010-01-24

I can has robot heads?

RocketBlender - 2010-01-24

Anything set to this song is awesome. This is awesome on it's own.

This thing is awesome squared.

stage - 2010-01-24

this is an oldass video, can't believe its on the poetv frontpage, hell it was parodied in a weezer video.

StanleyPain - 2010-01-24

I just loved how this was voted down in the hopper by "erection reset by queer"

oogaBooga - 2010-01-24

Someone already did this. And did it better.


RocketBlender - 2010-01-24

Personally, I think they're both pretty cool, though the hands guy had way better timing.

fermun - 2010-01-24

Or you could look here http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=29123

glasseye - 2010-01-24

Old but good.

dueserpenti - 2010-01-24

I'm glad there were enough heterosexuals to get this voted out of the hopper.

Charles - 2010-01-24

Look. This is a great vid. But I am certain that at least 60 percent of the people who downvoted it in the hopper were aware of this one:


On the daft punk tag, no less.

glasseye - 2010-01-24

Argh. Stars withdrawn!

teenage mutant lisa turtle - 2010-01-24

I voted this down and it felt gooood

Urburos - 2010-01-24

Pretty creative akshually.

Sacks5thAvenButt - 2010-01-24

I hate all of you.

Yes. Im drunk right now. Fuck you.

HankFinch - 2010-01-24

Go to bed, Rummy

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-01-24

I cant decide which one is hotter and that fact is killing me inside like a dark and vicious cancer.

Ocyrus - 2010-01-24

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my bedroom for a few minutes of quiet time.

BorrowedSolution - 2010-01-24

Sorry about the whole dupe thing, even though the other one's under "daft punk" it's just named Harder Better Faster Stronger; no mention of daft bodies. Also, the daft hands thing is pretty gay. Gayer than La Loco? Time will tell.

La Loco - 2010-01-24

I'm pretty gay so I don't think so.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-01-24

So for those keeping score at home, poorwill and la loco are admittedly homosexual.

nemeses9 - 2010-01-24

So now we're voting up identical copies of years old viral videos?


Hooker - 2010-01-24

I'm voting this badly because it's not very good.

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