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Desc:Republican IL comptroller candidate Bill Kelly drinks lots of beer to demonstrate his fiscal chops
Category:News & Politics, Humor
Tags:Republican, alcohol, Illinois, Bill Kelly, Comptroller
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Comment count is 15
Iron Xides - 2009-12-09

I think I'm going to get to vote against this man.

Kojack13 - 2009-12-09

I'm going to run against him...just like that, but better.

Viator - 2009-12-11

Mr. Xides will have to pull an R ballot to vote against him. He is the longest of long shot candidates running aganinst former governor nominee Judy Baar Topinka.

As filing is over, unless Mr. Kojack13 is in fact Topinka it will be difficult to run against the fellow.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-12-09

Awesome. Its not even the drinking thats bad, lots of people drink, its his inability to hold his shit together.

Hooker - 2009-12-09

I do love how drunk people say the most mundane shit as if it's the most profound shit.

phalsebob - 2009-12-09

It's not that he gets sauced that is worrisome. It's that he films it (with what might be a crew) and then edits it (I'm assuming sober) and then puts it out himself.

baleen - 2009-12-09

pretty much.

Ashenblade - 2009-12-09

True bipartisanship at 1:32. We need men like this in office.

Aelric - 2009-12-09

He screams log cabin republican to me.

Syd Midnight - 2009-12-10

When frat brahs hit age 30...

Frank Rizzo - 2009-12-10


Doctor Arcane - 2009-12-10

Well, this country did elect GWB.

charmlessman - 2009-12-10

Iwuzgunnasay... Future President!

fatatty - 2009-12-10

I wonder if anyone has ever gotten 0 votes in his district?

Viator - 2009-12-11

He is running statewide but lives in the richie rich 42nd ward of Chicago.

As such he will at least get a few thousand votes from his area, them being crazed entitled assholes and all.

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