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Comment count is 4
Gunny McRifleson - 2009-12-01

This sounds like the kind of music (and even looks like the kind of video) in NCIS or Law and Order: CI where they're investigating the death of a "famous rock singer" and they inevitably show a music video of their hit.

kingarthur - 2009-12-02

Did you just blaspheme Concrete Blonde? Clearly, you are unfamiliar with greatness.

Hammer Falls - 2009-12-02

I'll add to the "blaspheming", as it were.
I never saw anything special in Concrete Blonde, even the supposedly sancrosanct "Bloodletting".
This just seems par for the course. Really, Andy Prieboy's "Psycho Ex" is about the best thing associated with Johnette Napolitano... yeah, I said it.

Pillager - 2009-12-02

Did good music beat & sodomize you two as children?

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