Time Travel Mishap - 2009-11-15
We have all had days like that
MrBuddy - 2009-11-15 Being a kid in Japan, wearing a school girl uniform, admitting I had a crush on a boy, flying through the air down a hill, landing unhurt on a path through a rice paddy... Nope, can't say that I have.
Impressive cartoon for a student project in animation school though.
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-11-15
And... panties.
Sick Man - 2009-11-15
is anybody else running into this issue where specific YouTube videos load incredibly slow and others work just fine?
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-11-15 Not with this one, but yeah. Where it'll play, but it's jittery, and the little "load circle" stays on nearly constantly in the middle of the frame.
I dunno what's causing it, but it seems completely random. I'm running the latest version of FF with no plugins, if that's any clue.
Toenails - 2009-11-15 Actually yeah.
That Chet video was a bitch to load. And this one worked just peachy.
Of course, this just has to be a problem with Youtube and not poeTV, cause Chet would never let his precious website suffer any weird bugs of any sort!
memedumpster - 2009-11-16 Yeah, this one's loading like dialup. Also, sometimes they load fully and then pause to buffer anyway.
Chibisuke - 2009-11-15
If there had been a giant explosion when they collided I would have given it five stars.
Albuquerque Halsey - 2009-11-15
animation is an art form where you can literally do anything; and they make this.
+2 for the backgrounds
bongoprophet - 2009-11-15
it's way too long into the night for me to hear that bawling without cringing
wasn't this music used in a similar scenario in FLCL with similar animation?
Caminante Nocturno - 2009-11-15 The music is Comedian's Gallop by Kabalevsky, which was used in FLCL when a robot sprouts out of Ninamori's head.
Doomstein - 2009-11-15
How'd he get to the bottom of the hill before her?
Ah well, the washed out colors and music reminds me of FLCL. And that's good enough.
Xenocide - 2009-11-15
Amateur animation that looks better than most professional animation. Panties have motivated these people to greatness.
engrish muffin - 2009-11-15
This happened to me in a dream once... *except I wasn't wearing any panties*
oddeye - 2009-11-16 That your fandom confession? Did you happen to land on someones face?
Merzbau - 2009-11-15
Wait, Caminante, you've been here for HOW long, and "pantsu" isn't a linked tag yet?
thebaronsdoctor - 2009-11-15
This was very, very well animated, and I am a sucker for good animation.
Killer Joe - 2009-11-15
So what was the joke at the end?
Caminante Nocturno - 2009-11-15 She promises to make food for him, but he still insists on focusing on baseball instead of going out with her.
Takashi's kind of an idiot.
oddeye - 2009-11-16 So she will pork him AND make him food? She isn't even fat, why would she do that? Also I am lead to believe they would worship my giant white cock.
Seems like they raise them right in Japan.
vissarion - 2009-11-15
Hang on, where'd that baseball come from?
Doomstein - 2009-11-16 After she gets smacked in the face with the ball, you see the kid with the bat when she reaches the end of the alley.
She essentially caught a line-drive with her face.
abeli$con - 2009-11-16
did not watch anime
Caminante Nocturno - 2009-11-16 You are the worst person on this site and you don't belong here.
oogaBooga - 2009-11-16
Trackmania 2 is looking pretty good.
Wonko the Sane - 2009-11-16
needs more panties
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-11-16
What in the world is going on here?
oddeye - 2009-11-16 A small team of adults spend many days worth of man power drawing the panties of an underage girl.
And I liked it.
Innocent Bystander - 2009-11-16
See, I love this kind of humor. Makes you laugh AND makes you think.
Real deep and subtle, like.
Big Name Celebrity - 2009-11-16
Nostalgia stars for that one stage in Jet Grind Radio.
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