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Comment count is 17
Millard - 2009-11-13

I can't watch this because the guy he's responding to (and cutting to) is probably more annoying than Bill is, but 5 stars for forgetting(?) to take off his Holiday Inn nametag before recording this stuff.

Rovin - 2009-11-14

He doesn't forget. see my response to Jack Dalton below.

Jack Dalton - 2009-11-13

Do you think Bill wears his TFL hat to work?

Toenails - 2009-11-13

I'd be more impressed if he wore his nipple-flare shirt there.

Rovin - 2009-11-14

Yes. He films himself at work quite often, usually in what appears to be a janitor's supply room.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2009-11-13

Bill yelling at his monitor.

AfricanScience - 2009-11-13

you people are the biggest fags in the world

phalsebob - 2009-11-13

Word, bro.

James Woods - 2009-11-13

Nobody wears the pants in the family! Nobody!

Rudy - 2009-11-13

Open mouth, insert Bigfoot.

Vestigial Johnson - 2009-11-13

Wait I thought Bill left Youtube forever after his latest account closure. He must feel even Truer and more Forced Loneliness without the internet to scream at

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2009-11-13

Youtube comment:

I've slept with I figure ~ 150 women. Go guzzle sum beer n get laid dumbass!!!

joyofdiscord - 2009-11-13

I'm a descriptivist, but I'm sorry, Bill just talks -wrong.- He comes up with errors I've never heard from anyone. "Comes to show"? Really? "Pool gene." "Thought brain." He must have some sort of mild aphasia, perhaps due to alcohol-induced brain damage.

Vestigial Johnson - 2009-11-13

He also has some really strange pronunciation issues (jenny-culls,
obesed, Rockobama) but I figure it's the dentures. Or yeah, the decades of soaking his brain in lager

pastorofmuppets - 2009-11-14

It's ridiculous that most of this could either be southern vernacular or aphasia (and not just in Bill's case but in general), but there you go.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-11-13

Mr. Chubbybeard there was trying way too hard.

Bill's words, on the other hand, were straight from the heart.

Riskbreaker - 2009-11-13

So, bill is not getting any pussy at all? Nada? What about hookers?

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