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Desc:Another step closer to movie-style holograms
Category:Science & Technology, News & Politics
Tags:3D, sony, the future, Holograms, Displays
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Comment count is 9
pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-24

It's weird how everyone keeps quoting the resolution for this in 2D. They're leaving a D out.

Anyway, yeah volumetric displays are awesome.

Chibisuke - 2009-10-24

Maybe it's done with a spinning screen and they're quoting the resolution of that?

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-24

But the effect itself is going to have a resolution, even if it's not in pixels.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-24

Sorry...when I say effect, I mean depth effect. There is going to be an effective resolution that I would imagine is affected by the 2D resolution and the rpms.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-24

Yeah I'm thinking about this the wrong way. I mean the vertical dimension has a straightforward resolution, but in the other two dimensions the dots appear in something like a series of concentric spheres.

So I have no clue, except that I doubt it's even. The inside's going to be tighter since the linear velocity of inside points is smaller (unless they account for this in the design, and maybe they do).


The outside is "shaky," that's neat :)

Nikon - 2009-10-24

This is pretty cool stuff. This, the microsoft surface, electronic readers, and huge hard drives are all bringing us closer to the sci-fi tech of cinema.

HankFinch - 2009-10-24

Yes, my master?

KnowFuture - 2009-10-24

Has the potential to be either the next big thing or a silly gimmick. People will thrill to getting to watch 3D images but probably very quickly get tired of watching spinning things.

Squeamish - 2012-04-02

William Gibson must be shitting a brick right now.

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