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Desc:He can team up with that Real Life Samurai guy and fight the hell out of some crime.
Category:Sports, Stunts
Tags:Hunting, bow and arrow, robin hood, Kansas, green arrow
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Comment count is 16
Hooper_X - 2009-10-08

Those guys on the internet who claim to be "real life superheroes" are total chumps by comparison. That's some uncanny skill right there.

GlennFinito - 2009-10-08

Hello mr " I 5-star my own video" , it appears your link is broken

Hooper_X - 2009-10-08

1: There's a replacement link now.
2: Why wouldn't I five-star my own videos? I wouldn't submit them if I didn't think they were five-star videos. I wasn't aware that there was some kind of gay POETV protocol regarding proper/improper video-starring etiquette. Please, enlighten me.

Camonk - 2009-10-08

There's always been knobs complaining about rating your own video. I think it's like... you're not supposed to be... doing... something.

I don't know. Are you not supposed to vote for your own video in the hopper? You know what, don't even submit videos!

Walker - 2009-10-08

Pro Tip: Submit your video. Don't vote on it. Wait a week. Give it five stars. Morons avoided.

PS: Hi Hooper!

Sputum - 2009-10-09

I think the premise is that we know you like the video because you submitted it. The first rating on a video has a retardedly large impact on subsequent ratings, around here.

This and many other factors prove that the stars are completely irrelevant. I give this video Orion's belt.

Tuan Jim - 2009-10-08

new link, please?

glasseye - 2009-10-08

"looking up cdn-hw.liveleak.comHTTP"


Hooper_X - 2009-10-08


HankFinch - 2009-10-08

He can team up with that Real Life Samurai guy and fight the hell out of some crime. Flashforward thirty years.

You see a grizzled old man in a bathrobe sitting in a leather chair with a whiskey glass barely in his hand. A samurai kneels before him.

"It's Clay Peterson, the one they call 'The Pidgeon'... he has thirty hostages... please. I beg of you..."

"I don't do that anymore..." He swollows his drink and pours another. His head slowly turns to a glass case of which he can barely make the outlines of his bow. His real enemy. The screaming begins to cloud his mind as his glass drops to the floor.

Longshot- - 2009-10-08

Dude is Green Arrow, in real life.

GravidWithHate - 2009-10-09

Fuck Green Arrow, this guy may be Bullseye

chumbucket - 2009-10-08

nashville ninja

azazel - 2009-10-08

So if this is what Kansas is like, why not send the Guantanamo people there?

James Woods - 2009-10-08


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-10-08

Thanks for standin' still, wankah!

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