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Comment count is 4
Lurchi - 2009-10-05

One of the best songs in the history of civilization. Not a great video though.

godot - 2009-10-05



Should someone ask why I find most American indie and post-hardcore underwhelming, I might point to Mission of Burma. When a 25+ year old song is more emotionally moving, better recorded, and points to more interesting digressions than most everything that followed, its just hard to care about the detritus ensued in its wake.

They had a band-member playing Brian Eno, fer godsakes.

happy_ending - 2009-10-08

Well said.

Do you think it's because it's easier for people to be a band these days? There doesn't seem to be a winnowing process anymore. Sometimes, I think I get bored with music more nowadays because of getting older. Then again, I still get excited about bands I had never heard of from 10+ years ago.

Billy the Poet - 2011-04-27

Those are exactly the sentiments that Mission of Burma were not all about.

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