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Comment count is 13
twinkieafternoon - 2009-10-04

Needs more metaphors about being a whore.

potvin - 2009-10-04

It's like she's telling yo' momma jokes about herself.

Riskbreaker - 2009-10-04

Some executives at some company felt this was the "way of the future" for the vg industry. Most of them are probably selling buttons these days.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-04

They probably went to work for EA Sports.

Spoonybard - 2009-10-04

This is madness

SCARY.WIZARD - 2009-10-04

"You can take me home and have your own degenerate little way with me."

Oh neat! So if I beat the game she'll come over to my house and
drive a car into a swamp and act like she's stuck?

oddeye - 2009-10-04

This gave me a boner. The rest of the game killed it pretty damn quickly unfortunately.

boner - 2009-10-04

I'll be back.

snothouse - 2009-10-04

Oh, I highly recommend "full story".

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2009-10-04

It's kind of sad to think the trouble it would take to rip all the content, make the little boxes for decisons and upload it to youtube.

All that time that could've been spent curing cancer instead of spreading it

Koda Maja - 2009-10-04

The boob zoom in sure is subtle.

boner - 2009-10-04

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Rudy - 2009-10-05


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