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Comment count is 24
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-09-28

I'd like to say I did it all for Caminante, but, I didn't. This is here because I wear my selfishness like a badge.

Xenocide - 2009-09-28

I did it all for the cookies.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-10-13


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-10-13

The cookies.

robe - 2009-09-28

you owe me twenty two minutes of life.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-09-28

And you don't know how to spell "rube"

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-09-28

You'd just waste them on something that isn't as good as this.

GiantAtomicFreak - 2009-09-28

Close ups and static wide shots: THE MOVIE!

Riskbreaker - 2009-09-28

I remember this being a fun show, will check it one of these days. Also, stars for annoying several users here.

SolRo - 2009-09-28

For great annoyance!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-09-28

I need a drink.

Camonk - 2009-09-28

Hey, congratulations. You're on the same side as SOLRO.

robe - 2009-09-28

i am not letting this go. he didnt even fucking DO anything.

minimalist - 2009-09-28

That's right. He didn't fucking do anything. Is there anything else you need help with?

Xenocide - 2009-09-28

......didn't he, Rube?


(Xenocide looks off into the distance as "Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong" begins to play)

Camonk - 2009-09-28

Of all the perfectly legitimate reasons to hate this, you pick the one reason that's basically just for idiots. Great, rube. Now Riskbreaker can just fire back at me, "Well, you're on the same side as ROBE!" and then I look like the idiot. Goddammit, the wheels are really coming off this thing.

Xenocide - 2009-09-28

This works much better with context (AKA, the 22 half hours of plot that preceded this) but I don't care because Captain Tylor is one of the best cartoons ever.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-09-28

Captain Tylor is our generation's Captain Harlock.

Riskbreaker - 2009-09-28

Woah woah, now hold it right there sir, that's going a bit too far.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-09-28

Well, I'd like to call him our generation's Yurika Misumaru, but they both showed up at the same time.

Actually, Yurika might be our generation's Captain Harlock.

fluffy - 2009-09-28

Are there people here who can only say that they like cartoons ironically? Because I don't want anything to do with people who think like that.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-09-28

This show is really stupid. No one named Paco Paco is going to do anything with his life.

Tuan Jim - 2009-09-28

Humans vs elves

whoever wins

we lose

Aelric - 2009-09-28

2:15-2:22 "You're stuck here!"

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