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Comment count is 20
HankFinch - 2009-09-16

Not much really = You + PoeTV + submit this

HankFinch - 2009-09-16

Sorry, I re-read that and it sounded mean-spririted, not intended.

Cube - 2009-09-16

"Each worm/worm gear pair reduces the speed of the motor by 1/50th. Since there are 12 pairs of gears, the final speed reduction is calculated by (1/50)12.

The implications are quite large. With the motor turning around 200 revolutions per minute, it will take well over two trillion years before the final gear makes but one turn.

Given the truth of this situation, it is possible to do anything at all with the final gear, even embed it in concrete. "

Charles - 2009-09-16

Thank you. Now I can rate this

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-09-16


Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-09-16

Give me a large enough lever and I can move the Earth.

Robin Kestrel - 2009-09-16

Whoa. It's a lot better with the description.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-12-04

Give me a fulcrum and a large enough lever. Don't you EVER forget the fulcrum!!

simon666 - 2009-09-16

Isn't there a "strangely hypnotic" tag somewhere to be used? Because that is what this is. Anything so simple that gives me such satisfaction is evil, what can I say?

Miskimo - 2009-09-16

This guy makes some really cool stuff

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-09-16

3000 years from now this thing will be elected president of the New United States of America. Then it gets caught getting its gears lubed by a underage holophone.

Though, personally, I believe President slow gears was set up by the robojews.

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-09-16

I'm rating this first. I will make the post I'm replying to in a few minutes.

Jeff Fries - 2009-09-17

Dear Roberta Sparrow

bopeton - 2009-09-16

I saw this a few years ago, it's in a museum on the MIT campus if I recall correctly.

I've been thinking about it on and off since then.

Then I realized that it's not all that amazing; each reduction gear increases torque by 50. That last gear is just twisting the rod it's on or the base the whole machine is bolted to. Or maybe it's tearing right through that concrete at an incredibly slow pace.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-09-16

In 20 to 30 billion years the sun will consume the planet. The final gear could have turned about the same angle as the corner of an equilateral triangle.

The reality is that it will never even take up the slack in its own gears.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-09-16

Not to mention the universe itself is only about 10 billion years old.

This machine is God's clock.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2009-09-16

I've got a bunch of gears that ain't gonna be turning in 3 trillion years either. awards!

mouser - 2009-09-17

Some of the linked videos are responsible for this rating.

Urist - 2009-09-17

I want to try turning the output gear the other way, against the motor. How many billion pound-feet of torque does this thing have?

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-09-17

How many billion pound feet would it take to turn the output gear?

It's a moot point anyway, worm gears only work in one direction.

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