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What's this got to do with the giant sentient island in Giant Sized X-Men #1? (Seriously, though, damned cool stuff.)
I would love to be the guy waving around the fucking mouse.
Looks like a great screen saver.
Remember when Bobo was writing Maxscripts back in the day? MMMMEEEEMMMOOORIIIEEESSS
missing "stencil buffers" tag.
I need these particles on my (insert MMO weapon/armor piece)
Penis. I need these paticles on my (insert penis)
It's only a matter of time before the Japanese harness the power of particle generation and use it to depict explosions of semen from multiple points of origin
It's amazing what you can do with brute force computation these days
Evaporating hedgehog.
Welp, my mind has been blown. I'm actually getting used to that happening.
I'll bet 'nam looked like this with enough pot and acid inside you.
I would like to get this for my work computer just to listen to it groan under the load.
"Yeah, pretty cool..." 0:12 "HOLY SHIT"
oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz