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awesome, a knight of the empire telling ***t**ck** jokes on camera. Definitely POE-worthy
Just to lower the dumb spoiler
good joke
Oh, fuck you, that was a calculated spoiler.
Billie Joe is a cunt.
yeah at least I crypted mine a bit, geez
Guy takes his time.
This should probably be a Welsh joke, not an Irish joke.
I heard it told as Scottish but it was a sheep instead of a goat.
Yeah, only the Welsh use that naming convention. Still this shows that Sir Paul hates the Irish so much that he was willing to have his joke make slightly less sense, so he's okay in my book. Fucking Irish.
This joke is almost as old as Paul. So, a few hundred years. Pretty sure Voltaire used to tell it.
You should hear Ringo's version.
I don't think Paul's ever really forgiven the Irish people for the backlash he got from "Give Ireland Back to the Irish."
The Irish are the easy targets. The Scottish are higher on the UK totem pole and no one gives a shit about the Welsh.