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Desc:He really wants to eat that cheeseburger
Category:Horror, Humor
Tags:cheeseburgers, Vampires, Twilight, kissing cheeseburgers gently, the hunger
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Comment count is 13
Tyrathca - 2009-08-05

+5 for mushing the chewed up burger back together.

kiint - 2009-08-05

oh yeah

socialist_hentai - 2009-08-05

So dose he ever get to fuck that cheeseburger?

kiint - 2009-08-05

thats not mayo

zatojones - 2009-08-05

i cracks me up that there are adults out there who are probably very indignant about this right now

Aoi - 2009-08-05

Five stars for Daddy Vampire's acting, Favorited for Vampire Fightin'.

fluffy - 2009-08-05

I love how modern technology has made it so cheap for people to do jokes like this with production values good enough to match the thing they're making fun of.

Fur is Murder - 2009-08-05

It's the Big Bella Value Meal.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-08-05


Tripitaka - 2009-08-06

Oh please oh please lets activate the "kissing cheeseburgers gently" tag!

zerobackup - 2009-08-06

God damn I want a cheeseburger now, thanks you lipstick-wearing fucker.

Knuckles - 2009-08-06

OK wait, hold on.

Is there a scene in the real Twilight where the vampire guy has to suck venom out of his human lover? Because goddamn. There's contrived, and then there's THAT.

Tyrathca - 2009-08-06

I was unfortunate enough to be subjected to this film at a 'friend's' (I term loosely) house recently.
Yes, that happens.
Apparently it "doesn't happen in the book!!!!11one," which is somehow supposed to make things better...

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