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Desc:The timeless classic we all know and love, now with a new twist!
Category:Arts, Humor
Tags:DragonForce, marimba, mario music
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Comment count is 28
Cheese - 2009-07-31

if that dude was a real man this would be a porn video.

Comrade Admiral - 2009-10-28

what do you think happens next?

uhhh... he fixes the marimba?

bopeton - 2009-07-31

That's some high quality marimbing.

Suedeo - 2009-08-01

That is an undeniable fact.

Richmond - 2009-12-15

The hardest part is reading the music behind them backwards through the mirror.

FABIO - 2009-07-31

For a couple seconds I thought there was a fun house mirror behind the girl.

oddeye - 2009-07-31

I like how Mr. Beard n' Hat probably spent 1% of the time those two sisters spent practising for this.

Westward - 2009-07-31

Mr. Beard n' Hat?

Clearly, thou'rt the soul of wit.

chumbucket - 2009-07-31

and thus the "Beard n' Hat" tag is born

Hooker - 2009-07-31

Westward, are you Mr. Beard n' Hat?

Hooper_X - 2009-07-31

Okay, which one of them came up with this idea? I'm going with the girl in the grey shirt - she's clearly the one who is Serious About The Marimba.

Freeman Gordon - 2009-07-31

Probably a school project where the two girls were forced to be on Mr. Beard n' Hat team. His enthusiasm to pull of this idea persuaded the girls, with the conjectural promise they might become more popular.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-07-31

Granted, a lot of things sound better on marimba, but when a couple people on marimba blow your 'prog' band out of the water it's time to rethink the ol' career choice.

Babies Ate My Dingo - 2009-07-31

That was awesome, and probably a pain-in-the-ass amount of work to learn.

mashedtater - 2009-07-31

but we like it.

Suedeo - 2009-08-01

God yes. Encore!

pressed peanut sweepings - 2009-07-31

YES! (giggles)

fluffy - 2009-07-31


UnderANeonHalo - 2009-07-31

OMG!! we can has *shock* asterisked actions now!!! LMFAOLOL!!!! *confused* are emotes allowed too????? ^,^ =D

manfred - 2009-07-31

B===D~~~~~ O:

Mister Shady - 2009-07-31

One star for not being fast enough and also the douchebag banging on the 5-gallon bucket.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-08-01

To be fair I've heard Dragonforce doesn't fare much better with it live...

augias - 2009-08-01

To be fair, the bearded and hatted gentleman is playing the wooden box or caja, a latin american percussive instrument. Don't make me pull out the race card, because I'll do it, gringo.

halon - 2009-07-31

I bet those girls give INCREDIBLE handjobs

pastorofmuppets - 2009-08-02

if by incredible you mean trauma-inducing

Spastic Avenger - 2009-09-16

It's still just the same tune as Garth Brooks 'The Thunder Rolls'.

kwash - 2009-12-03

Son of a bitch, you're right.

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2009-10-30

Those ladies should be playing for Steve Reich.

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