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Desc:A peek into the scary crap the CIA was into during the height of the cold war that haunts us today.
Category:Horror, Military
Tags:LSD, mind control, Cold War, CIA, mk-ultra
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Comment count is 10
zatojones - 2009-07-26

the voiceover clip at 0:40 was from the movie Aliens

also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmF2G5LTAlE

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-07-26

Then they cut into some Propellerheads. :D Awesome.

William Burns - 2009-07-26

If the CIA had just asked for volunteers...

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-07-27

They did. I think Repo scored some free acid from the man when he was at university.

Of course not all the research was this open.

FABIO - 2009-07-26

"It just blew them"

glendower - 2009-07-26

One thing here that makes me shudder: Giving a captive subject a megadose of acid and playing "your mother hates you" thousands of times. I really hope that didn't really happen.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-07-26

It would be best if you never inquire into fraternity hazing then.

kamlem - 2009-07-26


mashedtater - 2009-07-27

a mental patient.

not even a normally sane person, but someone who is already declared "unbalanced."

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-07-27

This is what makes MK Ultra brilliant from a story-telling point of view. Paranoid scientists thrown from windows by silent, shadowy men keeping the nation's secrets. Lunatics tied to beds with evil football helmets torturing them to unwillingly benefit the nation's security.

I mean, completely batshit insane and the men in black decide to experiment on you. Nice. Living hell, some would say.

Keep it classy, people.

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