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Comment count is 13
Aoi - 2009-07-09

Something everyone should see.

But since it's Aljazeera, it's obviously just a pack of fundamentalist lies.

Senator_Unger - 2009-07-09

Clearly, since "Al" anything equals "terrorism"

baleen - 2009-07-09

Hmm.... Yeah the thing is is that al Jazeera caters mainly to Sunnis.
For the first time since the foundation of Israel Sunnis see Iran as a bigger threat to their freedom than they do the Jews/Israel, which is a pretty major shift in Middle Eastern thinking.

It also means that al Jazeera is respectable enough to give balanced reports of Persian politics.

Toenails - 2009-07-10

Okay, yeah I was wondering if there was bad blood between the Arabs and the Persians.

My Palestinian (who's an Arabian Sunni) Uncle has some pretty brutal opinions of Iran. But I didn't know if it was because of their ethnicity or their religion (probably both in his case).

baleen - 2009-07-10

Their religion far more than their ethnicity.

But the traditional Shi'ah\Sunni rift isn't the only thing that's been an issue. Arabs could tolerate Iran inasmuch as they helped fight Israel, but it's now known that they are helping Syria in a much more insidious way and don't really give a shit about Palestinians (big surprise there). Then again, most Arabs don't give a shit about Palestinians either, they just don't trust the international community in their back yard. This doesn't stop limp wristed Chomsky Hipsters like Gommorrah from trolling\being retarded and saying things like "Israel should be destroyed."

Syria is controlled by Ba'athist Alawites, who are not merely heretical because they are a sect of Shi'ah, they are pretty bizarre any way you cut it (they believe Jesus was a manifestation of Allah, they believe in reincarnation, and they celebrate Christmas, for instance). The Ayatollah has a pretty ambitious plan to convert lots of people to his national religion, and this makes Arabs rightfully very nervous.

memedumpster - 2009-07-10

I don't know what peoples' problem with Al Jazeera is. People & Power is a dynamite documentary program. I suppose if I went to Iran I might see that the documentary is a complete FOX Newsing of the situation, but I can't imagine them being more FOX than FOX while still using actual footage. Sure, it's not a way to estimate real value of the network, but it's hard to hate a country's pile of questionable laundry while standing next to your country's pile of steaming shit. I feel the same confusion when people bash the BBC. America has two, MAYBE TWO, anchors on all of our networks that wouldn't sell our children into slavery for money.

Toenails - 2009-07-09

This is truly something that the rest of the world needs to be expos~Holy shit, Obama just checked out some girls ass!!

/closes down window and goes to fark.com

Aggro Craig - 2009-07-10

bah, removed already

baleen - 2009-07-10

Weird! It was on Al Jazeera's channel... I wonder what the story is with that...

baleen - 2009-07-10

Found new link.

memedumpster - 2009-07-10

Rockin' the new link!

chumbucket - 2009-07-10

i'm always late to the party

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-07-12


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