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Comment count is 6
bindle - 2009-06-23

Awesome little vid, but Dante's Inferno wasn't written by Virgil--it was written by *Dante*!

Ponasty - 2009-06-23

5 stars for strom thurmond as Mrs Butterworth.
Also nice cheap animation.

rapsnacks - 2009-06-23

Don't submit things at 4am, kids. I should also point out the whole thing is 1.5hrs long and none of it is animation, it's puppetry. Waaaaaaaaaa

dementomstie - 2009-06-23

Wow, I like the effect of the guy spinning around to change his expression, very cool.
Also, I doubt this is an accurate translation of Dante's Inferno.

MrBuddy - 2009-06-29

Just from the trailer they were following the story to some extent. In Inferno a famous guy finds his wife and friend reading a porno book then getting it on. He kills them while they're still in bed. I'm with Ponasty, 5 stars for Strom Thurmond as Mrs Butterworth. I'll be looking for this DVD in the video rental store.

jyrque - 2009-06-24

When do they get to surfing rockets, rocking out the show with a lightning guitar made of a thunder witch and eating pizza?

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