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wtf is going on with that arm? i can't even tell what its SUPPOSED to look like.
I thought it was a penis at first.
With your silicone hump and your ten-inch stump Dressed like a priest you was.
Amniotic banding. It's the only explanation.
I have only the vaguest idea of what Scarlett Johansen looks like, but I'm pretty sure nobody ever did Chinese footbinding on her arm.
i know! he couldnt have looked at that and thought it looked good...could he?
I think you mean AMAZING!
Looks like this was the "inspiration" for the speed drawing
The preload image in the middle as a tantalizing glimpse of what is to come puts this over the top.
Jesus Christ, who uses the line tool to draw stuff?! Oh, this guy.
I understand the arm, but I am disappointed that "speed drawing" meant "sped up and edited after the fact drawing."
Can you enlighten me on the arm? Wtf is going on there?
If by "Scarlett Johansson" you mean "Aeris"
i'm pretty sure every activity could be called "speed _______" if you edit the video to miss repetitive bits